I have been inspired. I am currently on work placement and have been blogging for the company so many now I must be half-way to becoming an expert (or so I would like to think).
Where to start... well I love sewing so why not there here are my top five favourite sewing books and why:
Surprised by my selection... I thought not! But don't be too quick to judge because book is full of Scandi charm. There are 21 whimsical projects and most importantly they are easy to make by hand or with machine. The book design is fresh as Kajsa Wikman gives a modern look as folk art for decorating and gifting.
This fabulous book is full of quirky charm. For someone mad on Alice (like me!) then this book is perfect. So fall down the rabbit hole with this craft-tastic book and indulge yourself with one of the 50 projects its has inside it's pages.
Every wished your fairy tales would come alive well Tilda has the answer. I have had the privileged enough to have flicked through this books beautiful pages already though it is only available for pre-order. The projects are magical and you can make all your favourite fairy tale heroins and heroes, including: Pinocchio, Bambi, The Nutcracker and The Princess and the Pea.
I have a confession to make... dun dun dun I am a self-professed Cath Kidston addict! I love her: her material, products, books and everything. So of course she is on my list and this is my favourite of her books. Stitch is all about needlepoint and cross stitch. The projects are easy and pretty anyone with a needle and thread can have a go.
Cousin to Cath Kidston Kirstie Allsopp is another favourite of mine and in particular this book. A tie-in with her successful TV program
Kirstie's Handmade Britain this book teaches you how to do a range of crafts as Kirstie takes traditional crafts and introduces them to you in a modern way.
And that is it folks though there are many more and I am sure during my time blogging I will tell you about many more!
God Natt