Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Indoor Garden Inspiration

I have always fancied myself a gardener or always wanted to be one. So when I got my own flat I started to fill it with plants to tend. I wanted to share my tips to give you inspiration for your own indoor garden. 

Cut Flowers 

Cut flowers are a simple element to add an extra prettiness to a room. Especially at this time of year, you can get a bunch of daffodils for £1 from Sainsbury's and Marks & Spencer. I particularly love daffodils because of there vibrant colour. 

Otherwise you can just cut some flowers from your garden, if you have one or your parents garden.  

Potted Plants


Tête-à-tête is one of the most popular dwarf daffodils. These potted plants add instant
colour to a room and can be bought cheaply from Marks and Spencer. They need to be placed in a well lit position away from draughts and direct sunlight. My one is a relatively new plant so has not started flowering. 

My one is new so yet to flower, but I am greatly looking
forward to it.

Kalanchoe is a native Madagascar and is known as a 'Flaming Katy. I have two Kalanchoes. They are easy to look after and long-lasting as long as they are placed in a bright position and watered when the compost is dry.

Both my plants are identical and continue to flower.

A beautiful indoor plant for your home, they can be easily raised inside for early colour and fragrance. Again they thrived when placed in a well lit position away from draughts and direct sunlight. The soil always needs to be kept moist, they are a pretty plant for any windowsill.

My one is relatively new and yet to flower.


This delicate plant is one of my favourites, it's marbled leaves last for at least nine months of the year. The flowers are pale to deep pink on slender stalks are graceful and charming. Similarly to the other plants they are easy to look after, place away from direct light and keep the soil moist.

Mine has just started to re flower and the with all the bad weather
recently the leave have begun to stretch out in search of light.

I also have some unknown plants which my parents gave me. They are resilient and hardy and though they do not flower, they add foliage to any room. They need to be water now-and-again but otherwise these plants are fabulous for beginner gardeners because they can be left alone and do not need much care and attention.


Kitchen Garden

I also grow my own herbs. I started out by buying a kit from Amazon and got planting. I loved this kit in particular because it is plastic pots in a beautiful wooden trough that looks attractive on your windowsill. This is a very easy way to have fresh herbs growing on your windowsill all year round. I have successfully grown Basil, Parsley, Chives and Coriander. I have just replanted my seeds for another batch of fresh herbs. 

I have also recently started to grow Cress. This one of the simplest herbs to grow and one of the funniest too. I am currently growing mine in a cardboard egg box but you can grow it is almost anything. 
My Cress Seeds

Here are some Cress growing ideas:

Here are my top growing tips

  1. Do not over water your plants.
  2. Always water in a dish not directly into the plant pot.
  3. Water when the soil/compost is dry.
  4. You can use an old teapot is you do not have a watering can. 
  5. Cut old/dying leaves and flowers to prevent disease and to prolong life. 
I recommend the Balcony Gardener for great products and ideas of fashionable growing in small spaces. 

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