Sunday, 3 February 2013

Island Vernacular

I have had an exciting week with my fruits of my labour finally paying off. Before Christmas I worked for several (long) weeks on the production of an art catalogue which would accompany the Island Vernacular Exhibition held at Plymouth Peninsular Arts Gallery.

The exhibition was to feature art from artists:

Milenko Prvacki

Covered Up Again 
  and Ian Woo

Both very different artists and the show was to reflect the use of multiple language streams within contemporary painting. The exhibition juxtaposed recent work by both painters to demonstrate the continuing vitality of painting as a medium for questioning, and the relevance of Singapore as context for for such enquiry.

Here is the finished article:

Front Cover of Catalogue

Signed by the Artists

Proud Publisher and Designer

I also did the the labels for the exhibition using Gill Sans Light and Frutiger LT Std Bold and Light.

And here they are:

My Lovely Labels

Enjoying a well earned glass of white

If you are interested in checking the show out you still have time and while your there check out my beautiful catalogue.

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